Men’s Thursday Night Stag
Invitation $135.00 + green fees, covers 20 weeks of golf every Thursday night at @5:30 shotgun start (carts extra)
Prizes for closest to pins, ball draws, and the right to play for skins Banquet and prize table.
The banquet will follow a four-man scramble arranged by handi-cap.
Tuesday Night Ladies League
We are looking for volunteers to run the league this year. New and old members to join us on Tuesday Nights at 5:00 p.m. to play a round of 9 holes of golf.
Friday night Couples League
The League fee is $60 per couple, including prizes and a year-end banquet.
Play begins 5:30 P.M. Rain Date Sunday 2.00 P.M.
Card draw points system gives all level of golfers the same chance at points.
For more information, call Water Park Golf and Country Club.